Aeroflot - Instructions on Civil Aviation Engineering and Aviation Services of the USSR (1960)
General Directorate of Civil Aviation at the Council of Ministers of the USSR Instructions on Civil Aviation Engineering and Aviation Services of the USSR (1960) (NIAS G A-60) Publication of the Aeroflot Editorial Department (Moscow) 235 Pages - In Russian
The regulatory basis of all civil aviation support and maintenance processes in the Soviet Union in the 1960s. You will learn pell-mell: how to tow a plane to its hangar; how to do a fixed point motor test; who has access to the aircraft in the parking lot; how to make the material resist the rigors of the Russian winter; and how to reconcile the mysteries of bureaucracy with the demands of air operations. Also note a chapter on the hierarchy and qualifications of maintenance personnel. An interesting cocktail of technique and law, sometimes not very far from politics.