Air Magazine 1929 #8 (August)
Air Magazine 1929 #8
27 pages – in French
10 years after (the opening of Le Bourget); an assessment of the first ten years of airport operations: from two aircraft per day to 20,000 passengers per year.
Interview: Edmond Lotti; the owner of the famous Parisian hotel evokes his first Paris-London flight.
Our airlines: Geneva-Lyon in a 5-seater Spad.
Nancy, commercial aviation center; the municipality calls for a stopover on the Paris-Berlin line
The regularity of air transport: statistics
Our air transport surveys: 200 kilos of fruit each day from Paris to London for the Savoy and the Claridge
Madame flies: Worth House creates a line of clothing for women traveling by plane.
Postal mail and aviation
Advertising by plane
A nice day at Le Bourget: 25 departures, 25 arrivals and 278 passengers!
The Farman Airlines Traffic in 1929
Aeronautical news: an airport in Deauville?