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Ribeira, Antonio - Raphaël Farriols -Proof of the existence of flying saucers

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In the evening of Sunday February 6, 1966 in Aluche, near Madrid, a flying object, after having moved along the highway, landed in a field to take off almost immediately. A small group of soldiers (unconfirmed) and a few local residents observed the incident. This craft was dimly luminous. Four visual witnesses were identified and questioned, including a shepherd who had time to see a door half open and close immediately, before he took off.

On June 1, 1967 at 8:20 p.m., a hundred people were camping under the thickets, very close to the small water tower of San José de Valderas, when a lenticular machine appeared, flying very low above the treetops. Everyone had been able to see for 12 minutes, the craft which hovered and oscillated. There was no landing. This machine is described by an orange color by itself which distinguished it from the rays of the setting sun. The landing crutches were not extended; A young father, who was just taking pictures of his daughter, made a series of photos.

Thereupon, in the minutes that followed, nearly six kilometers away, several witnesses then experienced a different adventure. The O.V.N.I. landed on a construction site in Santa Monica, near Madrid (there is no first-hand evidence here; but on the landing site, we had to find small tubes, smooth and shiny. After analysis with INTA (National Institute for Aerospace Research), this micro piece of metal turned out to be almost pure nickel (its rate was over 99%) and the rollers were made of a very resistant plastic material was not found in the era in trade in Spain, the firm Dupont de Nemours manufactured it in the United States under the registered name of “Tedlar” on behalf of NASA which uses it for the coating of artificial satellites.

An in-depth investigation by two Spanish journalists Antonio Ribera and Rafael Farriols into these events, which all took place in the vicinity of Madrid.

261 pages - in French