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pays pologne ko

  • Historia polskiego lotnictwa 1909-1933 폴란드 항공 역사

    €15,00 - €15,00
    €15,00 - €15,00

    Historia polskiego lotnictwa 1909-1933 폴란드 항공 역사 (원본 판) 450 페이지 분량의이 인상적인 책은 폴란드 항공 참전 용사위원회가 출판 한 1909 년부터 1933 년까지 폴란드 항공의 역사를 추적합니다. ...

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    €15,00 - €15,00
    €15,00 - €15,00
  • Kwiecinski, Bogdan - L'aéronautique en Pologne (1935) (ebook)

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00
  • Meissner, Janusz - L'Ecole des Aiglons (1939)

    €9,00 - €9,00
    €9,00 - €9,00

    Janusz Meissner (nom de plume : « porucznik Herbert », anglais : « Flt Lt Herbert » ; 21 janvier 1901 à Varsovie - 28 février 1978 à Cracovie) étai...

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    €9,00 - €9,00
    €9,00 - €9,00
  • Samolot Mysliwsko-szturmowy Su-7 - 수호이 SU-7 전투기 (1978) (ebook) ko

    €4,00 - €4,00
    €4,00 - €4,00

    Samolot Mysliwsko-szturmowy Su-7 수호이 SU-7 전투기 폴란드 국방부 출판사 Wladyslaw Stech – 1978   수호이 Su-7(나토 코드 피터 A)은 1950년대에 소련이 설계한 화살날개 전투 폭격기입니다. 10개국에서 1,...

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    €4,00 - €4,00
    €4,00 - €4,00
  • Supf, Peter - Luftwaffe von sieg zu sieg (1942)

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00

    Supf, Peter - Luftwaffe vom sieg zu sieg (1942) Im Deutschen Verlag 221 zt. im Deutsch

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00
  • Wyzsza Szkola Oficerska Sil Powietrznych (2013) Polish Air Force Academy (Original paper edition)

    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00

    A beautyful book published by the Polish Air Force to present the history and the activities of the Air Force Academy of Deblin. The future Polish...

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    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00