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  • Ford Trimotor Monoplane -كتيب التعليمات(1929)

    CHF 4.00 - CHF 4.00
    CHF 4.00
    CHF 4.00 - CHF 4.00
    CHF 4.00

    كانت Ford Tri-Motor أكثر طائرات النقل شعبية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في أواخر عشرينيات وأوائل ثلاثينيات القرن العشرين. أصبحت الصيغة ثلاثية ال...

    Afficher tous les détails
    CHF 4.00 - CHF 4.00
    CHF 4.00
    CHF 4.00 - CHF 4.00
    CHF 4.00
  • Gillespie, Paul G. - Precision Guided Munitions: Constructing a Bomb More Potent than the A-bomb (ebook)

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    Precision Guided Munitions: Constructing a Bomb More Potent than the A-bomb by Paul G. Gillespie Lehigh University - June 2002 T...

    Afficher tous les détails
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Hawker Siddeley Aviation (1956) (original printed edition)

    CHF 20.00 - CHF 20.00
    CHF 20.00
    CHF 20.00 - CHF 20.00
    CHF 20.00

    Hawker Siddeley Aviation This brochure reviews the various programs of Hawker Siddeley Aviation in the late 1950s, when the consolidation with Arm...

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    CHF 20.00 - CHF 20.00
    CHF 20.00
    CHF 20.00 - CHF 20.00
    CHF 20.00
  • HMSO - Target : Germany (1944) (ebook)

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
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    CHF 0.00

    HMSO - Target : Germany (1944) Her Majesty’s Stationery Office The US Army Air Forces’ official story of the VIII Bomber Command’s first y...

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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Introduction to US Naval Aviation - 1946 - (ebook) مقدمة في الطيران البحري الأمريكي

    CHF 9.00 - CHF 9.00
    CHF 9.00
    CHF 9.00 - CHF 9.00
    CHF 9.00

    مقدمة في الطيران البحري الأمريكي محدد صدر عن قسم التدريب على الطيران ، مكتب رئيس العمليات البحرية ، البحرية الأمريكية يناير 1946 - OPNAV 33-NY-85 ت...

    Afficher tous les détails
    CHF 9.00 - CHF 9.00
    CHF 9.00
    CHF 9.00 - CHF 9.00
    CHF 9.00
  • Lockheed Hudson III service manual (1941) (original imprimé)

    CHF 171.00 - CHF 171.00
    CHF 171.00
    CHF 171.00 - CHF 171.00
    CHF 171.00

    Lockheed Hudson III service manual (1941) (original imprimé) Manuel de service original n°1178 Imprimé en 1940-41 par Lockheed Aircraft Company ...

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    CHF 171.00 - CHF 171.00
    CHF 171.00
    CHF 171.00 - CHF 171.00
    CHF 171.00
  • Lockheed PV-2 Captain's Handbook (Ebook)

    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00

    Lockheed PV-2 Plane captain’s handbook (1944) Lockheed Aircraft Corporation The PV-2 Harpoon was a development of the PV-1 Ventura. The wing ar...

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    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00
  • Loening, Grover C. - Military Aeroplanes (1918) (digital edition)

    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00

    Military Aeroplanes An explanatory consideration of their characteristics, performances, construction, maintenance and operation for the use of av...

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    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00
  • Manfredi, Enrico - الطائرات المنسية: طائرات CMASA (2015) (ebook)

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    مانفريدي ، إنريكو. - الطائرات المنسية: طائرات CMASA (2015) توضح هذه الورقة قصة مصنع طائرات كان نشطًا في النصف الأول من عام 1900 في مارينا دي بيزا. ...

    Afficher tous les détails
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Mehtidis Alexis -القوات الجوية الإيطالية في شرق أفريقيا الإيطالية – 1919-1939 - AR (ebook)

    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00

      القوات الجوية الإيطالية في شرق أفريقيا الإيطالية - 1919-1939 الكسيس مهتيديس في أعقاب الحرب العالمية الأولى ، وجدت إيطاليا نفسها مع مستعمرتين على ...

    Afficher tous les détails
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
  • Miles Magazine 1938 11 (November)

    CHF 3.00 - CHF 3.00
    CHF 3.00
    CHF 3.00 - CHF 3.00
    CHF 3.00

      The monthly magazine of the Miles Aircraft company.

    CHF 3.00 - CHF 3.00
    CHF 3.00
    CHF 3.00 - CHF 3.00
    CHF 3.00
  • Miller, Roger - The 1st Aero Squadron and the Mexican punitive expedition of 1916

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    A preliminary to war The 1st Aero Squadron and the Mexican punitive expedition of 1916 Roger G. Miller Air Force History and Museums progr...

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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Mills Link, Mae - Medical support of the Army Air Forces in World War II (1955)

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    Mills Link, Mae and Coleman, Hubert A. - Medical support of the Army Air Forces in World War II (1955) Department of the Air Force Medical Support...

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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Morris, Allen - موريس ، ألين - الجسر الجوي الألماني خلال معركة كريت (2014

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    Kreta als Beispiel: German airlift during the Battle of Crete. Morris, Allen C., Jr., United States Air Force Master of Military Art and Science Th...

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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • NASA - Celebrating 30 years of Space Shuttle program

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
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  • NASA Worldwide Spacecraft Crew Hatch History

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    NASA Worldwide Spacecraft Crew Hatch History Comprehensive Technical Material on Manned Spacecraft Hatches from Mercury to the International Space ...

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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Neufeld, Jacob - Coalition air warfare in the Korean War

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
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    CHF 0.00

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
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  • Nord Aviation N.2501 Noratlas كتيب باني

    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00

    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
  • Pictorial Story of the 106 Mirages M5B of the Belgian Air Force - Les Mirage de la Force Aérienne Belge

    CHF 54.00 - CHF 54.00
    CHF 54.00
    CHF 54.00 - CHF 54.00
    CHF 54.00

      This book is more than a superb photo album that follows each of the 106 Mirage M5 Bs through their operational life in the Belgian Air Force. An...

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    CHF 54.00 - CHF 54.00
    CHF 54.00
    CHF 54.00 - CHF 54.00
    CHF 54.00
  • Pilot's Choice (ebook)

    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00

    Pilot’s choice A pilot’s poll on the kind of flyer wanted in naval aviation US Navy, Office of the CNO 1947 61 pages – in English - PDF to download...

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    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
  • Pons, Gregory - USMC Aviators (ebook)

    CHF 25.00 - CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00 - CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00

    Marine Corps Airmen in the Pacific (1941-1945) by Gregory Pons   When Japan attacked the United States on December 7, 1941, Americans realized they...

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    CHF 25.00 - CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00 - CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00
  • Potez 840 (1959) (ebook)

    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00

    30-page promotional brochure in English Brochure de promotion de 30 pages en anglais 30-seitige Werbebroschüre in Englisch Opuscolo promozionale di...

    Afficher tous les détails
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
  • Pratt & Whitney Twin Wasp C9 engines overhaul manual (original 1944 document)

    CHF 73.00 - CHF 73.00
    CHF 73.00
    CHF 73.00 - CHF 73.00
    CHF 73.00

    Original 1944 paper documenyt - 214 pages - in english

    CHF 73.00 - CHF 73.00
    CHF 73.00
    CHF 73.00 - CHF 73.00
    CHF 73.00
  • Pratt & Whitney Twin Wasp D Series engines operators handbook (PDF)

    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00

    Derived as a modest development of the Twin Wasp R-1830, the R-2000 was designed specifically for the Douglas DC-4 commercial airliner, allowing us...

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    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
  • RAAF - Notes on Japanese bombs and fuzes (Ebook)

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    PDF to download

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • RAF Mediterranean Review #4 July-Septembre 1943

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
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    CHF 0.00
  • RAF Mediterranean Review #9 Octobre-Décembre 1944

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • RAF Parade (1942) (ebook)

    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00

    RAF Parade Published by the British Ministry Aviation 1942 Over 100 pictures Digital edition (PDF to be downloaded) ------------------------- Edit...

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    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
  • Recognition Journal July 1944

    CHF 25.00 - CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00 - CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00

    Published jointly by the US War and Navy Depts. 50 pages – Black & White   Summary Quiz nr 1 : Warplanes in combat Combat Recognition Recogniti...

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    CHF 25.00 - CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00 - CHF 25.00
    CHF 25.00
  • Richthofen, Manfred von - The Red Air Fighter 1918

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    PDF to download freely PDF à télécharger gratuitement

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Rocher, Alexis - Super Mirage 4000, the unfulfilled dream (digital edition)

    CHF 11.00 - CHF 11.00
    CHF 11.00
    CHF 11.00 - CHF 11.00
    CHF 11.00

    Super Mirage 4000 The unfulfilled dream The Super Mirage 4000 as told by its engineers and pilots By Alexis Rocher   Launched on the personal initi...

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    CHF 11.00 - CHF 11.00
    CHF 11.00
    CHF 11.00 - CHF 11.00
    CHF 11.00
  • Rocher, Alexis - Super Mirage 4000, the unfulfilled dream (paper edition)

    CHF 29.00 - CHF 29.00
    CHF 29.00
    CHF 29.00 - CHF 29.00
    CHF 29.00

    Super Mirage 4000 The unfulfilled dream The Super Mirage 4000 as told by its engineers and pilots By Alexis Rocher   Launched on the personal initi...

    Afficher tous les détails
    CHF 29.00 - CHF 29.00
    CHF 29.00
    CHF 29.00 - CHF 29.00
    CHF 29.00
  • SABENA Aircraft Interior Arrangement

    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00

    SABENA Aircraft Interior Layouts Official operation document This document, written in 1978, gives an interesting representation of all the differe...

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    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
  • SABENA Flight Operations (1956)

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    SABENA Flight Operations (1956)   A booklet published by the Belgian airline company to show how carefully aviation companies prepare and operate s...

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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Sanicole 2016 Sunset Air Show

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    Edition numérique : PDF à télécharger Digital edition: PDF to be downloaded

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Size Knaack, Marcelle - Boeing B-47 Stratojet (ebook)

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    This document is taken from the Encyclopedia of US Air Force Aircraft and Missile systems - Volume II, published by the Office of Air Force History...

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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Size Knaack, Marcelle - USAF PostWar WWII Bombers 1945-1973

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    The second in a sériés of encyclopedias of U.S. Air Force aircraft andmissile Systems, this volume covers the development and fielding of bomberair...

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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Space Shuttle Transportation System - Rockwell Press Kit (1982)

    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00

    The complete press kit issued by prime contractor Rockwell Inernational for media.   585 pages - PDF to download  

    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00 - CHF 10.00
    CHF 10.00
  • Sud Aviation 1967 (print)

    CHF 39.00 - CHF 39.00
    CHF 39.00
    CHF 39.00 - CHF 39.00
    CHF 39.00

    Corporate brochure of 1967 describing the various aircraft, helicopters and missiles programmes of Sud Aviation. 95 pages - excellent shape.

    CHF 39.00 - CHF 39.00
    CHF 39.00
    CHF 39.00 - CHF 39.00
    CHF 39.00
  • The Blue Bees – فريق هليكوبتر الجيش البلجيكي (1979)

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    The Blue Bees – Belgian Army Helicopter Team 1978 - ملف دورية عرض الطيران الخفيف للجيش البلجيكي على الرغم من أن اختيار لابيل كشارة للجيش ال...

    Afficher tous les détails
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • Thompson, James - Manuel for aircraft hydraulics (1942) (original printed)

    CHF 35.00 - CHF 35.00
    CHF 35.00
    CHF 35.00 - CHF 35.00
    CHF 35.00

    This brief treatment of the subject of AIRCRAFT HYDRAULICS, in its three phases OF THEORY, DESIGN, and MAINTENANCE, is presented to the aviation in...

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    CHF 35.00 - CHF 35.00
    CHF 35.00
    CHF 35.00 - CHF 35.00
    CHF 35.00
  • UK Air Ministry - Bomber Command (1941)(Ebook)

    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00

    Bomber Command: the Air Ministry account of Bomber Command's offensive against the Axis, September 1939-July, 1941 UK Air Ministry Published by ...

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    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00 - CHF 5.00
    CHF 5.00
  • UK Air Ministry - Bomber Command continues 1942 (English edition) (Ebook)

    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00

    The British Ministry of Aviation's account of bombing activities during the second year of the Second World War. Contents: 1. T.2619 Flies Home: du...

    Afficher tous les détails
    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
  • UK Air Ministry - Lancaster pilot & flight engineer notes (1944) (Ebook)

    CHF 7.00 - CHF 7.00
    CHF 7.00
    CHF 7.00 - CHF 7.00
    CHF 7.00

    UK Air Ministry - Lancaster Pilot and flight engineer notes (1944) 55 pages – in English

    CHF 7.00 - CHF 7.00
    CHF 7.00
    CHF 7.00 - CHF 7.00
    CHF 7.00
  • US Air Force - Guide to Bunker Hill AFB (1964 ebook)

    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00

    Guide to Bunker Hill AFB (1964) US Air Force Le guide que chaque nouvel arrivant sur la base de Bunker Hill en Indiana recevait à son arrivée. Il y...

    Afficher tous les détails
    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00 - CHF 8.00
    CHF 8.00
  • US Government - Identification of Italian aircraft 1941 (ebook)

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • US GPO - The effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1946) (ebook)

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    The effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki By the US Strategic Bombing Survey Chairman’s Office – 30 June 1946 The United States Strate...

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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
  • US GPO - US Strategic Bombing - The Pacific War (1946) (ebook)

    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00

    Summary Report – The Pacific War By the US Strategic Bombing Survey Chairman’s Office – 1 July 1946   The United States Strategic Bombing Survey ...

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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
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    CHF 0.00 - CHF 0.00
    CHF 0.00