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The effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki By the US Strategic Bombing Survey Chairman’s Office – 30 June 1946 The United States Strate...
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Precision Guided Munitions: Constructing a Bomb More Potent than the A-bomb by Paul G. Gillespie Lehigh University - June 2002 T...
Afficher tous les détailsUSAAF Gunner's Information file - Flexible Gunnery (1944)The preface to this manual, signed by the "big boss" of the US Air Force in 1944, sums up ...
Afficher tous les détailsLes Engins guidés Quelques notions indispensables par le Chef d'escadron Piron Octobre 1958 Un cours d'initiation à la conception et au guidage des...
Afficher tous les détailsGUNNERY SENSE - Some Hints for Air Gunners Issued by Training Division, Bureau of Aeronautics, United States Navy August 1942 On beginning traini...
Afficher tous les détailsSC stands for "Sprengbombe Cylindrisch". Standard bomb whose number indicates the weight in kg. An SC 50 contains 55% of explosive for demolition r...
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