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pays russie en

  • Aeroflot - Instructions on Civil Aviation Engineering and Aviation Services of the USSR (1960)

    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900

    General Directorate of Civil Aviation at the Council of Ministers of the USSR Instructions on Civil Aviation Engineering and Aviation Services of t...

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    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900
  • Antonov AN-12 - In details

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

      Antonov AN-12 - In details A photographic monograph of unknown origin, but rich enough to justify putting it online. The Antonov An-12 (NATO desi...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Antonov An-2 Flight Manual (1983)

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    The Antonov An-2 is a single-engine, multi-purpose biplane designed by the Antonov design bureau. It made its maiden flight on August 31, 1947 and ...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Aronin, G. S. - Brief description of the MiG-3 (1941)

    ¥500 - ¥500
    ¥500 - ¥500

    Aronin, G. S. - Brief description of the MiG-3 (1941) 54 Pages - In Russian Military Academy of Piloting and Navigation of the Red Air Force The M...

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    ¥500 - ¥500
    ¥500 - ¥500
  • Coué, Philippe - Black Stars of the Cold War (2011) (ebook)

    ¥1,500 - ¥1,500
    ¥1,500 - ¥1,500

      The advent of the space age with the launch of Sputnik-1 in October 1957 marked the start of an incredible space race into which the military imm...

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    ¥1,500 - ¥1,500
    ¥1,500 - ¥1,500
  • Coué, Philippe - Rêves de Mars (2018)

    ¥4,200 - ¥4,200
    ¥4,200 - ¥4,200

    L'Homme rêve de fouler un jour les sables glacés de la planète Mars. Mais ce projet est bien plus compliqué que le voyage vers la Lune. Cela n'a pa...

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    ¥4,200 - ¥4,200
    ¥4,200 - ¥4,200
  • Courriere, Yves - Normandie Niemen (1981)

    ¥500 - ¥500
    ¥500 - ¥500

    NORMANDIE NIEMEN YVES COURRIERE Paris: 1981 Presses Pocket (Presses de la Cité) coll. troupes de choc DESCRIPTIF : 1 volume in 16 broché couvertur...

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    ¥500 - ¥500
    ¥500 - ¥500
  • Mehtidis, Alexis - Soviet Military Aviation (1917-1941) (ebook)

    ¥1,700 - ¥1,700
    ¥1,700 - ¥1,700

    Soviet Military Aviation 1917-1941 Notes on its Orders of Battles and types of aircraft used Alexis Mehtidis An impressive sum that c...

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    ¥1,700 - ¥1,700
    ¥1,700 - ¥1,700
  • Mehtidis, Alexis - The Polikarpov PO-2 - A monography (ebook)

    ¥500 - ¥500
    ¥500 - ¥500

    The Polikarpov PO-2 Alexis Mehtidis One of the most extraordinary aircraft in the history of aviation, the Polikarpov PO-2 was built in ...

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    ¥500 - ¥500
    ¥500 - ¥500
  • Mil - Biography of the Russian helicopter manufacturer (1967) (ebook)

    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900

      Биография российского производителя вертолетов136 страниц по-русски Biographie du constructeur russe d'hélicoptères 136 pages en russe Biography ...

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    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900
  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - Soviet Air Power

    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900

    Soviet air powerThrough 49 issues of Le Moniteur de l'AéronautiqueThe first issue of the magazine "Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautique" hit the newsstand...

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    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900
  • NASA Worldwide Spacecraft Crew Hatch History

    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0

    NASA Worldwide Spacecraft Crew Hatch History Comprehensive Technical Material on Manned Spacecraft Hatches from Mercury to the International Space ...

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    ¥0 - ¥0
    ¥0 - ¥0
  • Nesterov 1952 (édition numérique)

    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900

    Nesterov (1952) Biographie du pilote russe Piotr Nesterov et de son influence dans l'aviation soviétique Piotr Nikolaïevitch Nesterov (en russe : П...

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    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900
  • Recognition Journal July 1944

    ¥4,200 - ¥4,200
    ¥4,200 - ¥4,200

    Published jointly by the US War and Navy Depts. 50 pages – Black & White   Summary Quiz nr 1 : Warplanes in combat Combat Recognition Recogniti...

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    ¥4,200 - ¥4,200
    ¥4,200 - ¥4,200
  • Samolot Mysliwsko-szturmowy Su-7 - Sukhoi SU-7 combat aircraft (1978) (ebook)

    ¥700 - ¥700
    ¥700 - ¥700

    Samolot Mysliwsko-szturmowy Su-7 Sukhoi SU-7 combat aircraft Publishing house of the Polish Ministry of National Defence Wladyslaw Stech – 1978   ...

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    ¥700 - ¥700
    ¥700 - ¥700
  • V.G. Ferrain and M.V. Krasnoglyadova - Yak-9 A Description (1944)(Ebook)

    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900

    V.G. Ferrain and M.V. Krasnoglyadova - Yak-9, Technical Description The Yak-9 aircraft designed by Lieutenant General T. Yakovlev of the Aerona...

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    ¥900 - ¥900
    ¥900 - ¥900