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  • SABENA Flight Operations (1956)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    SABENA Flight Operations (1956)   A booklet published by the Belgian airline company to show how carefully aviation companies prepare and operate s...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Sanicole 2016 Sunset Air Show

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Edition numérique : PDF à télécharger Digital edition: PDF to be downloaded

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Silhouettes d'avions Diagrams of aeroplanes - 1911 (édition numérique)

    €4,00 - €4,00
    €4,00 - €4,00

    Silhouettes d'avions Diagrams of aeroplanes - 1911 Auteur inconnu - Editeur inconnu - publié en 1911 24 pages bilingue français anglais Pet...

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    €4,00 - €4,00
    €4,00 - €4,00
  • Size Knaack, Marcelle - Boeing B-47 Stratojet (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    This document is taken from the Encyclopedia of US Air Force Aircraft and Missile systems - Volume II, published by the Office of Air Force History...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Size Knaack, Marcelle - USAF PostWar WWII Bombers 1945-1973

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    The second in a sériés of encyclopedias of U.S. Air Force aircraft andmissile Systems, this volume covers the development and fielding of bomberair...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Space Shuttle Transportation System - Rockwell Press Kit (1982)

    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00

    The complete press kit issued by prime contractor Rockwell Inernational for media.   585 pages - PDF to download  

    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00
  • Sud Aviation 1967 (print)

    €40,00 - €40,00
    €40,00 - €40,00

    Corporate brochure of 1967 describing the various aircraft, helicopters and missiles programmes of Sud Aviation. 95 pages - excellent shape.

    €40,00 - €40,00
    €40,00 - €40,00
  • The Blue Bees – Belgian Army Helicopter Team (1979)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    The Blue Bees – Belgian Army Helicopter Team File 1978 of the Belgian Army Light Aviation Presentation Patrol Although the choice of the be...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Thompson, James - Manuel for aircraft hydraulics (1942) (original printed)

    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00

    This brief treatment of the subject of AIRCRAFT HYDRAULICS, in its three phases OF THEORY, DESIGN, and MAINTENANCE, is presented to the aviation in...

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    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00
  • UK Air Ministry - Bomber Command (1941)(Ebook)

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00

    Bomber Command: the Air Ministry account of Bomber Command's offensive against the Axis, September 1939-July, 1941 UK Air Ministry Published by ...

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    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00
  • UK Air Ministry - Bomber Command continues 1942 (English edition) (Ebook)

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00

    The British Ministry of Aviation's account of bombing activities during the second year of the Second World War. Contents: 1. T.2619 Flies Home: du...

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    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00
  • UK Air Ministry - Lancaster pilot & flight engineer notes (1944) (Ebook)

    €7,00 - €7,00
    €7,00 - €7,00

    UK Air Ministry - Lancaster Pilot and flight engineer notes (1944) 55 pages – in English

    €7,00 - €7,00
    €7,00 - €7,00
  • US Air Force - Guide to Bunker Hill AFB (1964 ebook)

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00

    Guide to Bunker Hill AFB (1964) US Air Force Le guide que chaque nouvel arrivant sur la base de Bunker Hill en Indiana recevait à son arrivée. Il y...

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    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00
  • US Government - Identification of Italian aircraft 1941 (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • US GPO - The effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1946) (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    The effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki By the US Strategic Bombing Survey Chairman’s Office – 30 June 1946 The United States Strate...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • US GPO - US Strategic Bombing - The Pacific War (1946) (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Summary Report – The Pacific War By the US Strategic Bombing Survey Chairman’s Office – 1 July 1946   The United States Strategic Bombing Survey ...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • US Navy - Flying the weather (1943)

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00
  • US Navy - Gunnery sense (1942)(original printed edition)

    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00

    GUNNERY SENSE - Some Hints for Air Gunners Issued by Training Division, Bureau of Aeronautics, United States Navy August 1942   On beginning traini...

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    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00
  • US Navy - Parachute Sense (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Parachute senseISSUED BY AVIATION TRAINING DIVISION OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS - U. S. NAVY You're on your way to being an accomplishe...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • US Navy weekly aviation safety bulletin #21-1954

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Weekly Aviation Safety Bulletin (n°21-1954) Published by the US Naval Aviation Safety ActivityA weekly publication for naval aviation pilots stress...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • US War Dept - Enemy bombs & fuzes - Japanese bombs (1942) (Ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • US War Dept - Identification of Japanese aircraft 1941 & 1942 (Ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Identification of Japanese Aircraft (1942) Basic field Manual FM 30-38 (March 16, 1942) Prepared by the War Dept under direction of the Chief of St...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • US War Dept - Japanese detonators, firing pins and fuses 1942 (Ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • USAAF - Gunnery in the B-29 (1943)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • USAAF Gunner's Information file - Flexible Gunnery (1944) (original paper book)

    €55,00 - €55,00
    €55,00 - €55,00

    USAAF Gunner's Information file - Flexible Gunnery (1944)The preface to this manual, signed by the "big boss" of the US Air Force in 1944, sums up ...

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    €55,00 - €55,00
    €55,00 - €55,00
  • USAF Checo report #115 - Herbicide operations in Southeast Asia (1967)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    USAF Checo report #115 Herbicide operations in Southeast Asia Charles V. Collins 11 October 1967 US Air Force – PACAF Airborne herbi...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • USAF CHECO report 1968 04 - The War in Vietnam (January – June 1967)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    USAF CHECO Report The War in Vietnam (January – June 1967) By Lee Bonetti 29 April 1968 US Air Force – PACAF "The War in Vietna...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • USITC - Business Jet aircraft industry (2012) (Ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    USITC - Business Jet aircraft industry (2012) Structure and factors affecting competitivenessUnited States Trade International Commision This repor...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Warsaw Convention on Air Transport (1929)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929. The Warsaw Conventi...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Welcome to Fort Benning (1970)

    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00

    Airborne (1970)4th Student BattalionFort Benning, GeorgiaFort Benning, Georgia, can truly be called the "Cradle of American Airborne". The first te...

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    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00
  • Wyzsza Szkola Oficerska Sil Powietrznych (2013) Polish Air Force Academy (Original paper edition)

    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00

    A beautyful book published by the Polish Air Force to present the history and the activities of the Air Force Academy of Deblin. The future Polish...

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    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00
  • Zerbe, J.S. - Aeroplanes (1915) (ebook)

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00

    Prof. J.S. Zerbe - Aeroplanes (1915) First published in 1915, from Every Boy's Mechanical Library, this book is simultaneously a course in aerodyna...

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    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00