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  • Capy, Xavier - The Lockheed C-130 Hercules - Vol. I Europe

    €32,00 - €48,00
    €32,00 - €48,00

    While the DC-3 holds the absolute record for the number of transport aircraft produced, it is nonetheless an airliner modified by the addition of a...

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    €32,00 - €48,00
    €32,00 - €48,00
  • Celeski, Joseph - Special Air Warfare and the Secret War in Laos - Air Commandos 1964–1975

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

      Special Air Warfare and the Secret War in Laos - Air Commandos 1964–1975 Joseph D. Celeski, Colonel, US Army, Retired Air University Press , Curt...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • NASA Worldwide Spacecraft Crew Hatch History

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    NASA Worldwide Spacecraft Crew Hatch History Comprehensive Technical Material on Manned Spacecraft Hatches from Mercury to the International Space ...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Size Knaack, Marcelle - USAF PostWar WWII Bombers 1945-1973

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    The second in a sériés of encyclopedias of U.S. Air Force aircraft andmissile Systems, this volume covers the development and fielding of bomberair...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Historia Oficial de la Fuerza Aérea Expedicionaria Mexicana (1946) (ebook)

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00

    Historia Oficial de la Fuerza Expedicionaria Mexicana (1946) Teniente Coronel de Estado Maior Enrique Sandoval Castarrica Secreteria de la Defensa ...

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    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00
  • NASA - Celebrating 30 years of Space Shuttle program

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - Les "Thunder" de Republic Aviation - The "Thunders" of Republic Aviation (ebook)

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00

    The "Thunder" of Republic AviationThrough 49 issues of Le Moniteur de l'AéronautiqueThe first issue of "Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautique" magazine hit...

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    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00
  • USAF CHECO report 1968 04 - The War in Vietnam (January – June 1967)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    USAF CHECO Report The War in Vietnam (January – June 1967) By Lee Bonetti 29 April 1968 US Air Force – PACAF "The War in Vietna...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Mortane, Jacques - Le miracle aérien de l'Atlantique

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00

    Toutes les tentatives  fructueuses ou infructueuses qui ont abouti à l'exploit de Charles Lindbergh racontées par celui qui reste aujourd'hui encor...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00
  • Pons, Gregory - USMC Aviators (ebook)

    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00

    Marine Corps Airmen in the Pacific (1941-1945) by Gregory Pons   When Japan attacked the United States on December 7, 1941, Americans realized they...

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    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00
  • USAAF - Gunnery in the B-29 (1943)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • US GPO - The effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1946) (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    The effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki By the US Strategic Bombing Survey Chairman’s Office – 30 June 1946 The United States Strate...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Air Applicator 6 - Directory - Where to Find It (1965)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Air Applicator Information Series 6 Directory - Where to Find It (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Air...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Air Applicator 4 - Selecting Efficient Equipment (1965)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Air Applicator Information Series 4 Selecting Efficient Equipment (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Ai...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Air Applicator 5 - Answers to Legal Problems (1965)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Air Applicator Information Series 5 Answers to Legal Problems (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Airpor...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Air Applicator 3 - How to Spray and Dust

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Air Applicator Information Series 3 How to Spray and Dust (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Airport Th...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Air Applicator 2 - Understanding Crop Pests

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Air Applicator Information Series Volume 2 Understanding Crop Pests (1964) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County A...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Air Applicator 1 - Knowing Agricultural Chemicals

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Air Applicator Information Series 1 Knowing Agricultural Chemicals (1964) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County A...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Oddone, Patrick - Britanniques et américains au combat dans le ciel des Flandres

    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00

    Britanniques et Américains Au combat dans le ciel des Flandres (1914-1918) Par Patrick Oddone  Éditions du Camp du Drap d'Or Collection « Patrimoin...

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    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00
  • Allen, Hugh - The story of the airship (1933)

    €7,00 - €7,00
    €7,00 - €7,00

    PDF - 73 pages - in english    

    €7,00 - €7,00
    €7,00 - €7,00
  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - Northrop, the F-5 family

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00

    Northrop, the F-5 familyThrough 49 issues of Le Moniteur de l'AéronautiqueThe first issue of the magazine "Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautique" hit the n...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00
  • Neufeld, Jacob - Coalition air warfare in the Korean War

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - Strategic Air Command and its aircraft

    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00

    SAC and its aircraftThrough 49 issues of Le Moniteur de l'AéronautiqueThe first issue of the magazine "Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautique" hit the newss...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00
  • Anthony, Victor - Tactics and techniques of night air operations in SEA 1961-1970

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    The Air Force in South East Asia Tactics and techniques of night operations 1961-1970 By Major Victor B. Anthony, USAF Office of Air Force History ...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • HMSO - Target : Germany (1944) (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    HMSO - Target : Germany (1944) Her Majesty’s Stationery Office The US Army Air Forces’ official story of the VIII Bomber Command’s first y...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Gillespie, Paul G. - Precision Guided Munitions: Constructing a Bomb More Potent than the A-bomb (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Precision Guided Munitions: Constructing a Bomb More Potent than the A-bomb by Paul G. Gillespie Lehigh University - June 2002 T...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - Regards sur l'US Navy - Insights on the US Navy (ebook)

    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00

    Insights into the US Navy Throughout the 49 issues of the Moniteur de l'Aéronautique The first issue of the magazine "Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautiqu...

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    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00
  • US Navy - Parachute Sense (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Parachute senseISSUED BY AVIATION TRAINING DIVISION OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS - U. S. NAVY You're on your way to being an accomplishe...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Space Shuttle Transportation System - Rockwell Press Kit (1982)

    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00

    The complete press kit issued by prime contractor Rockwell Inernational for media.   585 pages - PDF to download  

    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00
  • Coué, Philippe - Sky Wink

    €19,00 - €19,00
    €19,00 - €19,00

    Philippe Coué tells the story of an incredible experiment carried out in the early 1980's: to illuminate the meridians of Greenwich and Paris so th...

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    €19,00 - €19,00
    €19,00 - €19,00
  • Bernelin, Marie-Christine & Coué, Philippe - Neil Armstrong... un clin d'oeil à la lune (2012)

    €20,00 - €20,00
    €20,00 - €20,00

    Neil Armstrong Un clin d'oeil à la lune « Tant que les livres d'histoire existeront, Neil Armstrong y sera inscrit ».  Charles Bolden, Administrat...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €20,00 - €20,00
    €20,00 - €20,00
  • Coué, Philippe - Rêves de Mars (2018)

    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00

    L'Homme rêve de fouler un jour les sables glacés de la planète Mars. Mais ce projet est bien plus compliqué que le voyage vers la Lune. Cela n'a pa...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00
  • Coué, Philippe - Le legs d'Apollo (2019)

    €20,00 - €20,00
    €20,00 - €20,00

    Dans ce «legs» classé astucieusement par ordre alphabétique, PhilippeCoué se penche sur tout ce que le programme Apollo a pu générer comme retombée...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €20,00 - €20,00
    €20,00 - €20,00
  • F-4U Manual for hydraulics instruction

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00
  • Eastern Airlines - DC-3 Maintenance Manual (1939) (ebook)

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00


    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00
  • USAAF Gunner's Information file - Flexible Gunnery (1944) (original paper book)

    €55,00 - €55,00
    €55,00 - €55,00

    USAAF Gunner's Information file - Flexible Gunnery (1944)The preface to this manual, signed by the "big boss" of the US Air Force in 1944, sums up ...

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    €55,00 - €55,00
    €55,00 - €55,00
  • Thompson, James - Manuel for aircraft hydraulics (1942) (original printed)

    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00

    This brief treatment of the subject of AIRCRAFT HYDRAULICS, in its three phases OF THEORY, DESIGN, and MAINTENANCE, is presented to the aviation in...

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    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00
  • Cours d'identification à l'usage des instructeurs (1944) (ebook)

    €9,00 - €9,00
    €9,00 - €9,00

    Cours d'identification reprenant les silhouettes et les performances de tous les avions amis et ennemis. Réalisé en 1944, probablement en partie un...

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    €9,00 - €9,00
    €9,00 - €9,00
  • Boeing 737 Quick Reference Handbook (original printed document)

    €45,00 - €45,00
    €45,00 - €45,00

    363 pages

    €45,00 - €45,00
    €45,00 - €45,00
  • Pratt & Whitney Twin Wasp C9 engines overhaul manual (original 1944 document)

    €75,00 - €75,00
    €75,00 - €75,00

    Original 1944 paper documenyt - 214 pages - in english

    €75,00 - €75,00
    €75,00 - €75,00
  • B-24 Liberator Pilot Training Manual (1943) (ebook)

    €12,00 - €12,00
    €12,00 - €12,00

    B-24 Liberator pilot training manual Published for Air Force Headquarters-Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Training. Octobe...

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    €12,00 - €12,00
    €12,00 - €12,00
  • US Navy weekly aviation safety bulletin #21-1954

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Weekly Aviation Safety Bulletin (n°21-1954) Published by the US Naval Aviation Safety ActivityA weekly publication for naval aviation pilots stress...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Pilot's Choice (ebook)

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00

    Pilot’s choice A pilot’s poll on the kind of flyer wanted in naval aviation US Navy, Office of the CNO 1947 61 pages – in English - PDF to download...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00
  • US GPO - US Strategic Bombing - The Pacific War (1946) (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Summary Report – The Pacific War By the US Strategic Bombing Survey Chairman’s Office – 1 July 1946   The United States Strategic Bombing Survey ...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • US Navy - Gunnery sense (1942)(original printed edition)

    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00

    GUNNERY SENSE - Some Hints for Air Gunners Issued by Training Division, Bureau of Aeronautics, United States Navy August 1942   On beginning traini...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00
  • FAA - Alaska Accidents & Fatigue

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Alaska Accidents & Fatigue FAA – Federal Aviation Administration   Alaska is known for its varied and rugged landscape. Along with temperamenta...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Bartlett, Dana - Service commandé (1934) (ebook)

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00

    Dana Bartlett – Service commandé (1934) Service Commandé Par Dana Bartlett (1934) Editions Rieder Par décision du Gouvernement de Washington, à la...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00
  • Welcome to Fort Benning (1970)

    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00

    Airborne (1970)4th Student BattalionFort Benning, GeorgiaFort Benning, Georgia, can truly be called the "Cradle of American Airborne". The first te...

    Afficher tous les détails
    €35,00 - €35,00
    €35,00 - €35,00