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Press - Aviation Française

"Aviation française" was a weekly magazine on aviation news published between 7 February 1945 and 12 May 1948.

It was a direct descendant of the magazine "Ailes françaises", published from 31 October 1944 to 30 January 1945, of which 14 issues were published and from which it took the 8-page newspaper format. It was initially sold at a price of 3 francs and had a print run of 55,000 copies, which was quite an achievement, especially considering that paper was scarce, expensive and of poor quality in the aftermath of the war. But the population needed freedom and aeronautics: aviation magazines abounded. This one was published by the Office Français d'Éditions at 92 avenue des Champs-Élysées in Paris. Its director-manager was named M. Meyzer.

It initially adopted the subtitle "Hebdomadaire des ailes de France" for its first two issues, then bore the mention "Dans tous les ciels de guerre..." until No. 15 before being given the term "Dans tous les ciels du monde..." for No. 16 of 23 May 1945, after the German surrender.

The editorial staff deals with the feats of arms of the combatants, the resumption of air sports banned for five years, the revival of air transport and the restarting of the French aeronautical industry. A key value: the valorisation of national work and of aeronautical workers.

The last issue, 164, was published on 12 May 1948.

  • Aviation française #003 21 février 1945

    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00

    Aviation française, N° 3 - 21 février 1945 Chasseurs d'impossible La bonne voie... L'avion sans hélice dans l'avenir Cologne de jou...

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    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00
  • Aviation française #006 14 mars 1945

    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00

    Deux "Schmitt" vont au tapisMécaniciens français dans la RAFLe Fairey FireflyLe capitaine-parachutiste Pierre MarienneL'attaque sur BerlinLa 100ème...

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    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00
  • Aviation française #018 6 juin 1945

    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00

    L'anniversaire du débarquement: le 6 juin 1944 et le rôle de l'aviation dans les opérations de NormandieCharles Tillon Le freinage sur l'hélice Ce ...

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    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00
  • Aviation Française #026 1er août 1945

    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00

    Au sommaire ... - Silence aux défaitistes - Saint-Exupéry, par Joseph Kessel - Des Kingcobra pour notre Armée de l'Air - Comment réduire la consomm...

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    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00
  • Aviation Française #027 8 août 1945

    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00

    Voyage d'essai du Latécoère 631 Biscarosse-Dakar Premier vol du bimoteur postal S.O. 93 Le "Lorraine" en Lybie 19 août: fête de l'aviation soviétiq...

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    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00
  • Aviation Française #029 22 août 1945

    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00

    Le transport des passagers et du fret sur les lignes du RLAF Le S.E.700 autogire postal français SNCASO S.O.30-R Formation féminine de ...

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    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00
  • Aviation française #033 19 septembre 1945

    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00

    Le Bilan de Charles Tillon, Ministre de l'Air, à la conférence du Vel d'Hiv Orly, aéroport mondial A l’École féminine des transmissions de l'air Le...

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    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00