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Airlift - 수송 전술 및 전략

  • American monoplanes with the RAF (1942) (원본 종이 판)

    418,00 kr - 418,00 kr
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    American Monoplanes with the RAF - Aircraft identification (Part IV) 1942   작성자 : Peter G. Masefield, M.A., A.F.R.Ae.S.THE AIRPLANE의 기술 편집자이자 THE A...

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    418,00 kr - 418,00 kr
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  • Anthony, Victor - Tactics and techniques of night air operations in SEA 1961-1970

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    The Air Force in South East Asia Tactics and techniques of night operations 1961-1970 By Major Victor B. Anthony, USAF Office of Air Force History ...

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  • Antonov AN-12-자세히

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      Antonov AN-12-자세히 출처를 알 수 없지만 사진을 온라인에 올릴 수있을 정도로 풍부합니다.Antonov An-12 (NATO 지정 Cub)는 중간 톤의 군용 수송기입니다. 일반적으로 American Hercules와 모양이 비슷하지만 지구상의 모든 ...

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  • Antonov An-2 Flight Manual (1983) 파일럿 매뉴얼

    0,00 kr - 0,00 kr
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    Antonov An-2는 Antonov 설계 사무소에서 설계한 단일 엔진 다목적 복엽기입니다. 1947년 8월 31일 첫 비행을 했고 소련, 폴란드, 중국, 콜롬비아에서 18,000대 이상의 모델이 생산되었습니다. 세계에서 가장 큰 단일 엔진 복엽 비행기의 칭호를...

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  • Boscardin, Philippe - Ailes de guerre & ailes d'espoir (ebook)

    144,00 kr - 144,00 kr
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    Ailes de guerre & ailes d’espoir par Philippe BOSCARDIN Cet ouvrage, comme son titre l’indique, relate des aventures aériennes vécues aux quatr...

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  • Boscardin, Philippe - Ailes de guerre & ailes d'espoir (imprimé)

    406,00 kr - 406,00 kr
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    Ailes de guerre & ailes d’espoir par Philippe BOSCARDIN Cet ouvrage, comme son titre l’indique, relate des aventures aériennes vécues aux quatr...

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    406,00 kr - 406,00 kr
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  • Byers, Adrian-중국-버마-인도 극장의 공기 공급 1942-1945 (2010)

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    Air supply operations in the China-Burma-India Theater between 1942 and 1945. Byers, Adrian Rainier, United States Air Force Master of Military Art...

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  • Capy, Xavier - Le Noratlas, du Nord 2500 au Nord 2508 (édition imprimée 2021)

    656,00 kr - 656,00 kr
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    Le Noratlas Du Nord 2500 au Nord 2508 Xavier Capy & Gilbert Millas   368 pages, 21,7 x 35 cm, relié1000 photos, 23 profils couleur1,200 kg  Co...

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    656,00 kr - 656,00 kr
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  • Capy, Xavier - The Lockheed C-130 Hercules - Vol. I Europe

    382,00 kr - 573,00 kr
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    While the DC-3 holds the absolute record for the number of transport aircraft produced, it is nonetheless an airliner modified by the addition of a...

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  • Capy, Xavier - 자비에르 카피 - Nord 2501 Noratlas (1997) (ebook)

    144,00 kr - 144,00 kr
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    Nord 2501 Noratlas자비에르 카피 노라 틀 라스는 2 차 세계 대전 후 프랑스 항공 산업의 부흥에서 중요한 요소 중 하나였습니다. 프랑스 공군은 수송기가 필요했습니다. 업계는 대량 생산 프로그램이 필요했습니다. Nord 2500 Noratlas는 32...

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    144,00 kr - 144,00 kr
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  • Celeski, Joseph - Special Air Warfare and the Secret War in Laos - Air Commandos 1964–1975

    0,00 kr - 0,00 kr
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      Special Air Warfare and the Secret War in Laos - Air Commandos 1964–1975 Joseph D. Celeski, Colonel, US Army, Retired Air University Press , Curt...

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  • Morris, Allen-크레타 전투 중 독일 공수 (2014)

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    Kreta als Beispiel: German airlift during the Battle of Crete. Morris, Allen C., Jr., United States Air Force Master of Military Art and Science Th...

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  • Nord Aviation N.2501 Noratlas 건축업자의 브로셔

    60,00 kr - 60,00 kr
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