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  • 50th Anniversary of the F-4E in the Turkish Air Force

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    In 1972, it was determined that 40 F4-E Phantom II aircraft and its related systems were going to be purchased for the Turkish Air Force. Project s...

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  • A Batalha da Inglaterra (1941) (original printed edition)

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      The Battle of Britain (1941) UK Air Ministry A 40-page brochure published in Lisbon in 1941 by the British government to convince Portuguese publ...

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  • Aerfer - Notes on the jet Sagittario 2 (1957)

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    Aerfer - Notes on the jet Sagittario 2 (1957)   7 typewritten pages of a manufacturer's document on the Aerfer Sagittario II fighter. On 4 December...

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  • Aeronautica Macchi C.200 - Aircraft handbook (1941)

    48,00 kr - 48,00 kr
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    Aeronautica Macchi C.200 with Fiat A74 engine - Aircraft manual Ministry of Aeronautics - May 1941176 pages (missing pages) - in Italian The Macchi...

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  • American monoplanes with the RAF (1942) (original paper edition)

    415,00 kr - 415,00 kr
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    American Monoplanes with the RAF - Aircraft identification (Part IV) 1942By Peter G. Masefield, M.A., A.F.R.Ae.S.Technical Editor of THE AEROPLANE ...

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  • Aronin, G. S. - Brief description of the MiG-3 (1941)

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    Aronin, G. S. - Brief description of the MiG-3 (1941) 54 Pages - In Russian Military Academy of Piloting and Navigation of the Red Air Force The M...

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  • Bley, Wulf - Das Buch der Spanienflieger (1939) (original printed edition)

    415,00 kr - 415,00 kr
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    Das Buch der Spanienflieger (1939) Wulf Bley Köhler Verlag Gmbh & Co KG, München   Wulf Bley, pseudonym W.H. Hartwig, (born December 14, 1890 i...

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  • Carbon, André - Histoires de la 11ème Escadre de Chasse (2019) Stories of 11 Fighter Wing

    0,00 kr - 0,00 kr
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    The 11th Fighter Wing of the French Air Force had the particularity of being in charge of the CAFI mission (Air Component of Intervention Forces) w...

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  • Courriere, Yves - Normandie Niemen (1981)

    36,00 kr - 36,00 kr
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    NORMANDIE NIEMEN YVES COURRIERE Paris: 1981 Presses Pocket (Presses de la Cité) coll. troupes de choc DESCRIPTIF : 1 volume in 16 broché couvertur...

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  • Crosnier, Alain & Daniel, Jacques - Autour de l'Atar (ebook)

    131,00 kr - 131,00 kr
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    Autour de l'ATAR Alain Crosnier et Jacques Daniel Editions   126 pages - en couleurs édition numérique - PDF à télécharger    

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  • Crosnier, Alain & Daniel, Jacques - Autour de l'Atar (éd. imprimée)

    332,00 kr - 332,00 kr
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    Autour de l'ATAR Alain Crosnier et Jacques Daniel Editions   Du Mystère IIC au Mirage IVP, en passant par les Etendard, toute ...

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  • Crosnier, Alain – French Naval Aviation in North Africa (ebook)

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    Crosnier, Alain - Naval Aviation in AFN Aircraft of the French Naval Aviation in North Africa 1945-1963 Air assets used by the French Naval Aviat...

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  • Crosnier, Alain – French Naval Aviation in North Africa (print)

    284,00 kr - 284,00 kr
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    Crosnier, Alain - Naval Aviation in AFN Aircraft of the French Naval Aviation in North Africa 1945-1963 Air assets used by the French Naval Aviat...

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  • d'Orcines, Henri - Maitres du Ciel (1918) (ebook)

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      Fin mai 1918. L’Armée allemande lance une offensive d’envergure en direction de Paris. Le commandement français engage toutes les unités aérienne...

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  • Introduction to US Naval Aviation - 1946 (ebook)

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    Introduction to US Naval Aviation Restricted Issued by Aviation Training Division, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, US Navy January 1946 ...

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  • Les Avions Caudron T1 (2021) (Hauet, André) - Caudron Airplanes

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    Les avions Caudron Tome 1 André Hauet Editions PatH In 2001, Lela Presse published a real "sum" by André Hauet on the Caudron aircraft in...

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  • Marin la Meslée (1950) (ebook)

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      La Collection Patrie, éditée par les éditions Rouff, est une collection de courts récits qui relatent, d’une façon romancée et dans un esprit de ...

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  • Mehtidis, Alexis - Italian Air Force - Regia Aeronautica 1943 (ebook)

    60,00 kr - 60,00 kr
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    Italian Air Force - Regia Aeronautica Order of Battle on 8 September 1943 Alexis Mehtidis On 8 September 1943 at 7.42 p.m., Ital...

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  • Mehtidis, Alexis - Italian and Austro-Hungarian Aviation in WWI 2008 (ebook)

    119,00 kr - 119,00 kr
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      Italian and Austro-Hungarian Military Aviation on the Italian Front In World War One Alexis Mehtidis This book is a considerably enriched version...

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  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - Dassault-Breguet - Les avions de combat 1945-1980 (ebook)

    142,00 kr - 142,00 kr
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    Dassault-Breguet - Les avions de combat 1945-1980 Au fil des 49 numéros du Moniteur de l'Aéronautique Le premier numéro de la revue « Le Moniteur d...

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  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - French post-WWII prototypes and aircraft (ebook)

    142,00 kr - 142,00 kr
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    Prototypes et avions français de l'après-guerre Through 49 issues of Le Moniteur de l'AéronautiqueThe first issue of the magazine "Le Moniteur de l...

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    142,00 kr - 142,00 kr
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  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - Les "Thunder" de Republic Aviation - The "Thunders" of Republic Aviation (ebook)

    60,00 kr - 60,00 kr
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    The "Thunder" of Republic AviationThrough 49 issues of Le Moniteur de l'AéronautiqueThe first issue of "Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautique" magazine hit...

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  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - McDonnell Douglas, the combat aircraft

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    McDonnel Douglas, the combat aircraft Throughout the 49 issues of the "Moniteur de l'Aéronautique" The first issue of the magazine "Le Moniteur de ...

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  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - Northrop, the F-5 family

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    Northrop, the F-5 familyThrough 49 issues of Le Moniteur de l'AéronautiqueThe first issue of the magazine "Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautique" hit the n...

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