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SC 50, SC 250 and SC 500 bombs preparation manual 1940 (Vol 2) (Ebook)

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SC stands for "Sprengbombe Cylindrisch". Standard bomb whose number indicates the weight in kg. An SC 50 contains 55% of explosive for demolition raid. The range included the SC 50, 250, 500, 1000, 1200, 1800, 2000 and 2500. For low-altitude attacks, especially against railroads, some bombs such as the SC 50 and SC 250 were equipped with a contact fuze to explode immediately, avoiding ricochets. This version was named Stachelbombe (Spike Bomb), abbreviated Stabo. The SC 250 was also used as a grenade against submarines. It was possible to fix on the SC 50 fin small cardboard tubes acting as organ pipe that emitted a shrill whistle during the fall. This device was called "Jericho-Gerät".

37 pages. In German.

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