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Fighters - 狩猎与猎人

  • US War Dept - Identification of Japanese aircraft 1941 & 1942 (Ebook)

    0,00 zł - 0,00 zł
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    Identification of Japanese Aircraft (1942) Basic field Manual FM 30-38 (March 16, 1942) Prepared by the War Dept under direction of the Chief of St...

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  • US War Dept - Identification of Japanese aircraft 1941 & 1942 (识别日本飞机) (Ebook)

    0,00 zł - 0,00 zł
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    Identification of Japanese Aircraft (1942) Basic field Manual FM 30-38 (March 16, 1942) Prepared by the War Dept under direction of the Chief of St...

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  • V.G. Ferrain and M.V. Krasnoglyadova-Yak-9,技术说明 (1944(Ebook)

    22,00 zł - 22,00 zł
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    V.G. Ferrain and M.V. Krasnoglyadova-Yak-9,技术说明1944 由航空工程局中将T. Yakovlev设计的Yak-9飞机是为满足爱国战争的要求而建造的现代战斗机。该飞机易于使用,不需要很高的飞行员技能。 根据设计,Yak-9是单引擎单飞机飞机,具有...

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  • Vought Corsair F4U-1 Pilots Handbook for Navy Model (ebook)

    39,00 zł - 39,00 zł
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      Originally issued 15 October 1945, this is the revised edition released on 1 June 1946. It was published under the joint authority of the Command...

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  • Zeegers, J G W - Oorlogsvliegtuigen der belligerenten 1942 (ebook)

    30,00 zł - 30,00 zł
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    PDF to download PDF à télécharger

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  • Zorn, J. - Chasseurs contre V1 (1949) - 猎手对阵V1

    26,00 zł - 26,00 zł
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    Chasseurs contre V1 - 猎手对阵V1 作者:J-佐恩--《爱国者文集》(1949年)--鲁夫出版社让-马里多的故事,很难说是浪漫的,他是皇家空军的法国飞行员,在皇家空军中,他专门负责用喷火式飞机攻击敌舰。从1944年6月起,他专门从事V1的猎杀工作,并与暴风雪公司合作,有6...

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  • Zuerl, Walter - Das Sind unsere Flieger (1941) (Ebook)

    35,00 zł - 35,00 zł
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    Das sind unsere Flieger « Expériences et exploits de nos pilotes dans la lutte contre l'Angleterre » Hrsg. Sonderführer ( Z ) Walter Zuerl Curt Pec...

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  • 프랑수아 로빈 - Rafale 프랑스 전투기 라팔-미래의 날개

    65,00 zł - 65,00 zł
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