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North American Aviation

  • Barons et Cabots, les T-6 de la 2ème Escadre

    99,00 zł - 99,00 zł
    99,00 zł
    99,00 zł - 99,00 zł
    99,00 zł

    par Sébastien Guillemin et Patrick Vinot-Préfontaine Numéro Hors-série du Trait d'Union Ce nouvel ouvrage nous emmène en Algérie, au cœur d’un con...

    Afficher tous les détails
    99,00 zł - 99,00 zł
    99,00 zł
    99,00 zł - 99,00 zł
    99,00 zł
  • Carbon, André - Histoires de la 11ème Escadre de Chasse (2019) Stories of 11 Fighter Wing

    0,00 zł - 0,00 zł
    0,00 zł
    0,00 zł - 0,00 zł
    0,00 zł

    The 11th Fighter Wing of the French Air Force had the particularity of being in charge of the CAFI mission (Air Component of Intervention Forces) w...

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    0,00 zł - 0,00 zł
    0,00 zł
    0,00 zł - 0,00 zł
    0,00 zł
  • Crosnier, Alain - Above the Djebels

    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł

    Crosnier, Alain - Above the Djebels French Air Force aircraft in North Africa 1945-1967 Air assets used by the French Air Force during pacifi...

    Afficher tous les détails
    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
  • Crosnier, Alain - Au-dessus des djebels (Above the Djebels) (2004) (printed)

    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł
    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł

    Crosnier, Alain - Above the Djebels French Air Force aircraft in North Africa 1945-1967 Air assets used by the French Air Force during pacification...

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    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł
    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł
  • Crosnier, Alain - Au-dessus des djebels (Above the djebels) (ebook)

    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł

    Crosnier, Alain - Above the Djebels French Air Force aircraft in North Africa 1945-1967 Air assets used by the French Air Force during pacification...

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    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
  • Crosnier, Alain and Nëel, Gilbert - T-6 on North Africa (2004) (ebook)

    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł

    T-6 on North Africa French Air Force T-6s in flying schools and in combat with EALA's Alain Crosnier and Gilbert Nëel This book is a survey of the...

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    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
  • Crosnier, Alain and Nëel, Gilbert - T-6 on North Africa (2004) (printed)

    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł
    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł

    T-6 on North Africa French Air Force T-6s in flying schools and in combat with EALA's Alain Crosnier and Gilbert Nëel This book is a survey of the...

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    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł
    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł
  • Ducrest, Francis - Les canons du ciel

    60,00 zł - 60,00 zł
    60,00 zł
    60,00 zł - 60,00 zł
    60,00 zł

    Par Francis Ducrest Editions Altipresse   Durant la guerre d'Algérie, l'appui de l'aviation s'est révélé indispensable pour les combattants terrest...

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    60,00 zł - 60,00 zł
    60,00 zł
    60,00 zł - 60,00 zł
    60,00 zł
  • Marc, Francis - L'oeil de la Mangouste (Eye of the Mongoose) (ebook)

    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł

    L'oeil de la Mangouste Notebooks of an observer on T-6 in KabyliaFrancis Marc60 years ago the "war" in Algeria is still going on, the service is 27...

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    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
    43,00 zł - 43,00 zł
    43,00 zł
  • Marc, Francis - L'oeil de la Mangouste (Eye of the Mongoose) (printed)

    95,00 zł - 95,00 zł
    95,00 zł
    95,00 zł - 95,00 zł
    95,00 zł

    L'oeil de la Mangouste Notebooks of an observer on T-6 in KabyliaFrancis Marc60 years ago the "war" in Algeria is still going on, the service is 27...

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    95,00 zł - 95,00 zł
    95,00 zł
    95,00 zł - 95,00 zł
    95,00 zł
  • Trilogie "Aviation militaire française en Afrique du Nord" (ebook)

    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł
    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł

    Trilogie sur l'aviation militaire française en Afrique du Nord entre 1943 et 1965   Un "coffret numérique" contenant trois ebooks sur le déploiemen...

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    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł
    103,00 zł - 103,00 zł
    103,00 zł
  • Trilogie "Aviation militaire française en Afrique du Nord" (édition imprimée)

    278,00 zł - 278,00 zł
    278,00 zł
    278,00 zł - 278,00 zł
    278,00 zł

    Trilogie sur l'aviation militaire française en Afrique du Nord entre 1943 et 1965 Un "ensemble" contenant trois livres sur le déploiement aérien ...

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    278,00 zł - 278,00 zł
    278,00 zł
    278,00 zł - 278,00 zł
    278,00 zł