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Bombers - 항공 폭격

  • Mehtidis, Alexis - The Polikarpov PO-2 - A monography (ebook)

    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00

    The Polikarpov PO-2 Alexis Mehtidis One of the most extraordinary aircraft in the history of aviation, the Polikarpov PO-2 was built in ...

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    €3,00 - €3,00
    €3,00 - €3,00
  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - Les "Thunder" de Republic Aviation - The "Thunders" of Republic Aviation (ebook)

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00

    The "Thunder" of Republic AviationThrough 49 issues of Le Moniteur de l'AéronautiqueThe first issue of "Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautique" magazine hit...

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    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00
  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - McDonnell Douglas, 전투기

    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00

    McDonnel Douglas, 전투기Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautique 49호를 통해잡지 "Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautique"의 창간호는 1977년 10월에 가판대에 도착했습니다. 1981년 11월, 마지막 호는 항공 뉴스와...

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    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00
  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - Strategic Air Command and its aircraft

    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00

    SAC and its aircraftThrough 49 issues of Le Moniteur de l'AéronautiqueThe first issue of the magazine "Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautique" hit the newss...

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    €10,00 - €10,00
    €10,00 - €10,00
  • Moniteur de l'Aéronautique - Warbirds... Warbirds...

    €12,00 - €12,00
    €12,00 - €12,00

    Warbirds... Warbirds... À travers les 49 numéros du Moniteur de l’Aéronautique   Le premier numéro de la revue « Le Moniteur de l’Aéronautique » es...

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    €12,00 - €12,00
    €12,00 - €12,00
  • Mortane, Jacques - Histoire Illustrée de la Guerre Aérienne I 1920 (édition numérique)

    €15,00 - €15,00
    €15,00 - €15,00

    488 pages - En Français Edition numérique : PDF à télécharger Digital edition: PDF to be downloaded

    €15,00 - €15,00
    €15,00 - €15,00
  • Mortane, Jacques - Histoire Illustrée de la Guerre Aérienne II 1920 (édition numérique)

    €15,00 - €15,00
    €15,00 - €15,00

    466 pages - en français Edition numérique : PDF à télécharger Digital edition: PDF to be downloaded

    €15,00 - €15,00
    €15,00 - €15,00
  • Pons, Gregory - USMC Aviators (ebook)

    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00

    Marine Corps Airmen in the Pacific (1941-1945) by Gregory Pons   When Japan attacked the United States on December 7, 1941, Americans realized they...

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    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00
  • Recognition Journal July 1944

    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00

    Published jointly by the US War and Navy Depts. 50 pages – Black & White   Summary Quiz nr 1 : Warplanes in combat Combat Recognition Recogniti...

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    €25,00 - €25,00
    €25,00 - €25,00
  • Rocher, Alexis - Super Mirage 4000 (édition imprimée)

    €29,00 - €29,00
    €29,00 - €29,00

    Mirage 4000 Le rêve inachevé Ingénieurs et pilotes racontent le Super Mirage 4000 Alexis Rocher   Lancé à l’initiative personnelle de Marcel Dassau...

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    €29,00 - €29,00
    €29,00 - €29,00
  • Rocher, Alexis - Super Mirage 4000 (édition numérique)

    €11,00 - €11,00
    €11,00 - €11,00

    Mirage 4000 Le rêve inachevé Ingénieurs et pilotes racontent le Super Mirage 4000 Alexis Rocher (édition numérique à télécharger)   Lancé à l’init...

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    €11,00 - €11,00
    €11,00 - €11,00
  • Samolot Mysliwsko-szturmowy Su-7 - 수호이 SU-7 전투기 (1978) (ebook) ko

    €4,00 - €4,00
    €4,00 - €4,00

    Samolot Mysliwsko-szturmowy Su-7 수호이 SU-7 전투기 폴란드 국방부 출판사 Wladyslaw Stech – 1978   수호이 Su-7(나토 코드 피터 A)은 1950년대에 소련이 설계한 화살날개 전투 폭격기입니다. 10개국에서 1,...

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    €4,00 - €4,00
    €4,00 - €4,00
  • Size Knaack, Marcelle - USAF PostWar WWII Bombers 1945-1973

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    The second in a sériés of encyclopedias of U.S. Air Force aircraft andmissile Systems, this volume covers the development and fielding of bomberair...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • Supf, Peter - Luftwaffe von sieg zu sieg (1942)

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00

    Supf, Peter - Luftwaffe vom sieg zu sieg (1942) Im Deutschen Verlag 221 zt. im Deutsch

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00
  • UK Air Ministry - Bomber Command (1941)(Ebook)

    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00

    Bomber Command: the Air Ministry account of Bomber Command's offensive against the Axis, September 1939-July, 1941 UK Air Ministry Published by ...

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    €5,00 - €5,00
    €5,00 - €5,00
  • UK Air Ministry - Bomber Command continues 1942 (English edition) (Ebook)

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00

    The British Ministry of Aviation's account of bombing activities during the second year of the Second World War. Contents: 1. T.2619 Flies Home: du...

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    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00
  • UK Air Ministry - Duas Cidades Bombardeadas (1943) - Two cities bombed (Ebook)

    €4,00 - €4,00
    €4,00 - €4,00

    Duas cidades bombardeadas (UK Government 1943) This is a small British propaganda leaflet published in 1943 aimed at the Portuguese publ...

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    €4,00 - €4,00
    €4,00 - €4,00
  • UK Air Ministry - L'aviation de bombardement britannique (1941) (ebook)

    €7,00 - €7,00
    €7,00 - €7,00

    L'aviation de bombardement britannique (1941) UK Air Ministry L'offensive contre l'axe : septembre 1939 - Juillet 1941 Compte-rendu publié par le...

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    €7,00 - €7,00
    €7,00 - €7,00
  • UK Air Ministry - L'aviation de bombardement grandit 1942 - (edition française) (Ebook)

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00

    Le compte-rendu du Ministère britannique de l'aviation sur les activités de bombardement pendant la deuxième année de la seconde guerre mondiale. ...

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    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00
  • UK Air Ministry - Lancaster pilot & flight engineer notes (1944) (Ebook)

    €7,00 - €7,00
    €7,00 - €7,00

    UK Air Ministry - Lancaster Pilot and flight engineer notes (1944) 55 pages – in English

    €7,00 - €7,00
    €7,00 - €7,00
  • US Air Force - Guide to Bunker Hill AFB (1964 ebook)

    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00

    Guide to Bunker Hill AFB (1964) US Air Force Le guide que chaque nouvel arrivant sur la base de Bunker Hill en Indiana recevait à son arrivée. Il y...

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    €8,00 - €8,00
    €8,00 - €8,00
  • US Government - Identification of Italian aircraft 1941 (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • US GPO - The effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1946) (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    The effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki By the US Strategic Bombing Survey Chairman’s Office – 30 June 1946 The United States Strate...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00
  • US GPO - US Strategic Bombing - The Pacific War (1946) (ebook)

    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00

    Summary Report – The Pacific War By the US Strategic Bombing Survey Chairman’s Office – 1 July 1946   The United States Strategic Bombing Survey ...

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    €0,00 - €0,00
    €0,00 - €0,00