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In 1972, it was determined that 40 F4-E Phantom II aircraft and its related systems were going to be purchased for the Turkish Air Force. Project s...
Afficher tous les détailsClément Ader conta a história da construção do Eole. Esta aeronave foi considerada pelos iniciados e pela imprensa científica como a primeira aer...
Afficher tous les détailsO Aero L-29 Delfín (código da OTAN: Maya) é uma aeronave militar de treinamento a jato projetada e fabricada pelo fabricante checo Aero Vodochody...
Afficher tous les détailsThe itinerary of a former navy pilot looking for a job in agriculture.
Air Applicator Information Series 1 Knowing Agricultural Chemicals (1964) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County A...
Afficher tous les détailsAir Applicator Information Series Volume 2 Understanding Crop Pests (1964) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County A...
Afficher tous les détailsAir Applicator Information Series 3 How to Spray and Dust (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Airport Th...
Afficher tous les détailsAir Applicator Information Series 4 Selecting Efficient Equipment (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Ai...
Afficher tous les détailsAir Applicator Information Series 5 Answers to Legal Problems (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Airpor...
Afficher tous les détailsAir Applicator Information Series 6 Directory - Where to Find It (1965) Air Applicator Institute Agricultural Aviation Academy, Douglas County Air...
Afficher tous les détailsSummary: The Italian aerospace industry in 1964 (Vico Rosaspina) New FIAT projects (Ing. Giura) Italy against Spain (Franco Gonzaga) The Cannes A...
Afficher tous les détailsPDF - 73 pages - in english
American Monoplanes with the RAF - Aircraft identification (Part IV) 1942 Por Peter G. Masefield, M.A., A.F.R.Ae.S.Editor técnico do AEROPLANE e ...
Afficher tous les détailsThe Air Force in South East Asia Tactics and techniques of night operations 1961-1970 By Major Victor B. Anthony, USAF Office of Air Force History ...
Afficher tous les détailsO Antonov An-2 é um biplano monomotor e polivalente, projetado pelo Departamento de Projetos Antonov. Fez seu primeiro vôo em 31 de agosto de 1947 ...
Afficher tous les détailsAvianews International - Edição em Inglês1990 N ° 187 Volume XVIII N ° 6 30 Dias / Indústria Eletrônica / Motores / Transporte / Espaço Acontecime...
Afficher tous les détailsB-24 Liberator pilot training manual Published for Air Force Headquarters-Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Training. Octobe...
Afficher tous les détails363 pages
The quarterly magazine of the Bristol Aeroplane Company 32 pages - in english - PDF to download --- Le magazine trimestriel de la Bristol Aeroplane...
Afficher tous les détailsOperation Ranch Hand - The Air Force and Herbicides in Southeast Asia 1961-1971 William A. Buckingham Jr Office of Air Force History, Washington DC...
Afficher tous les détailsAir supply operations in the China-Burma-India Theater between 1942 and 1945. Byers, Adrian Rainier, United States Air Force Master of Military Art...
Afficher tous les détailsO Nord 2501 Noratlas (1997)Xavier Capy O Noratlas foi um dos principais elementos do renascimento da indústria aeronáutica francesa após a segunda...
Afficher tous les détailsWhile the DC-3 holds the absolute record for the number of transport aircraft produced, it is nonetheless an airliner modified by the addition of a...
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